Faster EFT and psycho meds

I as a Faster EFT therapist do not push people in taking meds. Each client should be monitored by a regular therapist or doctor. We never say to go off the meds now. What I do is I ask them to talk to their doctor, and he will decide what to do. However, speaking from my experience when a person clears the pain, that was the reason why he takes the meds, there is no need taking the meds anymore. So usually client feels that and talks with doc, and he takes them off the meds.
When there is not pain that makes us suppress, we do not need suppressive meds anymore. And btw a lot of people take meds. Especially antidepressants.
What do these antidepressants do? They so called to alter the chemistry of our brain. Firstly that has never been proven. Even today the scientist can’t measure the chemistry of our brain. So they just speculate. And the shrinks have that huge book with every little symptom of behavior that is not so called “normal”. So they quickly label you and even push you to take meds.
What this does to the body is making you dizzy, feel weird and people just hate the side effects. Some people become lethargic, unable to have a normal life.

However, when you clean the memories, address the pain, trauma and clear it than you do not need to be suppressed with meds anymore. When we take these meds we also suppress all these bad memories that we experience because of taking meds. And that could be a problem when we try to get off. We feel like going crazy and getting of psycho meds could be very very traumatic and hard for some people. All that pain is coming back so a lot of people go back on meds. They just can’t cope with pain.

However, with Faster EFT, we address each painful event, each trauma, and we help people go off the meds with no problem’s in many cases. Remember, the pain is gone, so nothing will float to the surface and torment us anymore. I just wanted to share that with you: It could take some time to clear the pain. It all depends on the number of painful memories, the amount of pain, intensity, when it happened, etc., But usually we are very good and getting people off the psycho meds. I have experienced several cases like that. Robert Smith also says many times, he helped many patients get off the meds after he cleared their traumas. People were taking antidepressants for years, and suddenly they could stop. Remember, once the pain is gone. Tt does not return. The new pain usually surfaces, but the previous pain is gone for ever. SO we have less stuff to suppress and feel more peaceful and healthier.